Well… GoT ended

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I just finished the last episode of Game of Thrones and (SPOILER) I think they made the best out of the shit show from ep5 was good to see Dani die but it was a bit soft having John do it. Bran knew he was going to be king with all...

Driving my wheelchair Finally!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So I finally got to drive my wheelchair I have tried before a long time ago but it was almost a disaster as I told my dad to speed it up and I took off at that moment I had a muscle spasm and my head fell forward and locked the...

FES Bike week 2

Well week two was good though we didn’t have knowledge to crank up the power I still completed around 12 Km’s at a faster speed but at a lower pulse width (zap strength) which wasn’t bad just meant no sore legs the day after 🙂 still had a great sleep...

FES Bike week 1

Today I started my FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) Bike Program through Rocky Bay my therapy provider  and my Physio Katie. As it was my first go on it we started off slowly, making sure to keep an eye on my heart rate which was expected to rise. Initially my...

Wheelchair fishing rod holder

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I got sick of trying to zip tie a pvc rod holder to my chair so I decided to design and 3d print a proper solution and it worked great. print a proper solution and it worked great. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2017 Halloween Costume “The electric chair”

My electric chair costume with help from my awesome carers I made this costume with a colander, a piece of pipe a orange prison jumpsuit, some cardboard boxes and some face paint. scared some kiddies and got a great reception from the adults.

No Hands Designs

So I just started this computer design company please come and like us facebook https://www.facebook.com/NoHandsDesigns/?notif_t=page_fan